萱のり子KAYA Noriko


Professor, Chair of Art Education (Calligraphy), Nara National Institute of Higher Education and Research, Japan



Calligraphy and Art



Osaka University Graduate School of Letters Graduate Course Completed (Arts), Degree/Doctorate (Literature)



PhD (Arts) courses completed from Osaka University Graduate School of Letters
Doctorate (Literature)
Assistant Professor, Osaka Kyoiku University and Graduate School of Education (1999), Professor (2004)
Professor, Graduate School of Education, Tokyo Gakugei University (2015)
Professor, Nara National Institute of Higher Education and Research and Graduate School (2022)


Select Publication

"The Place of the Work: Issues in the Art of Calligraphy Selected Dissertation for the 1st Aoyama San'u Commemorative Award(作品の在りか-書の芸術学の課題), Aoyama San'u Commemorative Award Secretariat, 1998.

The Horizon of the Art of Calligraphy: Its History and Interpretation (書芸術の地平-その歴史と解釈), Osaka University Press, 2000.

Changes in Japanese "Modern" Calligraphy Aesthetics: Looking at Japanese Culture, 2004.

"The Power of the Water Stem to Harmonize: A Study on the Aesthetic Value of Kana Calligraphy,"(水茎の〈和らげる〉力-仮名の書の美的価値に関する一考察) in History of Calligraphy and Writing (書学書道史論叢), The Society for the History of Calligraphy and Calligraphic Art, 2011.

The Tradition and Transformation of the Aesthetics of Books in East Asia (東アジアにおける〈書の美学〉の伝統と変容)(co-author), Sangensha Publishing, 2016.

Kaya Noriko specializes in calligraphy and art studies. She studies the aesthetic norms and artistry of calligraphy, focusing on the formation of Japanese calligraphy through the reception of Chinese calligraphy, and the transformation of artistic views through the reception of Western artistic views since the modern era.

In recent years, she has concurrently conducted research on appreciation activities and learning processes from the perspective of lifelong learning.